Professional Duct Cleaning Services in Barrie

Super Ducts is dedicated to providing superior duct cleaning, duct disinfecting, and duct sealing services to the vibrant community of Barrie.

As a growing urban center on the shores of Kempenfelt Bay, Barrie experiences a blend of urban pollutants and natural allergens that can compromise indoor air quality.

Our certified team, equipped with the latest high-end equipment and patented duct sealing technology, ensures that your home or business in Barrie enjoys cleaner, healthier air and increased HVAC efficiency.  


Expert Duct Cleaning Services (and More) in Barrie and Simcoe County

Super Ducts improves indoor air quality by expertly cleaning, disinfecting, and sealing your HVAC system.

We remove dirt, contaminants and allergens and then seal the leakage from inside the duct work using our incredible patented technology.

The end result is a healthier, more comfortable  living environment for you and you family.

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Local Knowledge is KEY

Why Choose Super Ducts in Barrie?

We understand the unique environmental and climatic challenges faced by residents of Barrie.

Whether you are close to downtown, the waterfront, in suburban areas or in the surrounding countryside, we tailor our services to effectively meet your needs.

  • Duct Cleaning: We thoroughly remove dust, allergens, and other pollutants, making your environment healthier and extending the lifespan of your HVAC system.

  • Duct Disinfecting: Our all-natural duct disinfection zaps away pesky allergens, germs, viruses and contaminants ensuring you're breathing easy and living healthy.

  • Duct Sealing: Seal up energy leaks with our duct sealing services, designed to improve system efficiency and reduce your energy costs.

Transform Your Barrie Property With Duct Cleaning (and Beyond)!

Cleaner Air, More Comfortable Rooms and Lower Bills are just a phone call away!